Heads up! Textile wall art has taken the world of design by storm, and it’s not backing off anytime soon. Knit, crocheted, and woven textiles and tapestries offer a unique and approachable twist on classic art forms. They’re a phenomenal way to add depth to your home, with a variety of textures, shapes, and color schemes. Best of all, there are some fairly inexpensive options and if you’ve got a crafty hand, you can take a shot at making them yourself! To get your creative juices flowing, we’ve rounded up five different textile styles to try!

Woven Tapestries

Woven tapestries can sometimes get a bad rep as the college student’s dorm decor of choice, but when styled right, woven tapestries can actually be a super chic addition to any area of the home. To stave off any freshman try vibes, look for quality tapestries with patterns that fit your aesthetic. Boho tapestries aren’t the only option! Minimalist quilts, for instance, can make show-stopping wall hangings, and let’s not forget traditional verdue tapestries for those craving visual interest aplenty. Pro tip: Masking a wall with a large tapestry can risk making a room feel closed off and small. Instead, try a group of smaller coordinating tapestries.